Benci ku,
korang pernah kah susah untuk membuat keputusan? I hate the part, when I need to choose between A and B. Sangat susah apabila dua dua benda bagus, sangat bagus. I don't know, is it will be the best decision as same as what i choose 5 years ago.
I resigned from my first job, before 1 year of services at that organization. thank you being good and best HR that I have meet. Pada masa itu, memang banyak saya korban, termasuk masa dan tidur, hahaha. Saya memang tidak mendapat tidur yang quality. Working hours 7am-6pm, Monday to Saturday. Kau giler kah apa. Memang lah aku stress, dengan report dan meeting that was the best to attended.
and i was resigned, without thinking any consequences yang akan berlaku bila saya tiada kerja, kau hader??
hampir 2 ke 3 bulan saya tiada duit, sebelum I got a new job, as what i'm doing today. I totally heart my job now! But now, either to be leave or stay. Sebelum saya terima, rasanya saya patut demand. Demand dengan gaji. New place, new environment, and it should be double or triple, kan?
kalau saya demand gaji, adakah saya tamak? Si tamak haloba? Rasanya tidak juga kan? sebab itu peluang. "There still have a nego part, but do not going to low" mungkin ini akan jadi saya punya prinsip. But my decision is fix, at least it will double as today
So, what should I do? Leave or Stay?
Aku Tukang Bingung